Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Poor Emily

I am starting this blog off in tribute to my poor friend who has been awake for over 36 hours now.

Dearest Emily,

First of all, get some sleep. Second, stop being so brilliant (she's a morehead scholar) and trying to dominate the world. Save some dominating for the rest of us. She spent the weekend in washington D.C. at a conference to discuss environmental issues and how the United States should act upon them. Kewl. Then, she return to UNC this morning at 2 am only to write a paper in under three hours, which I edited and let's just say there weren't too many red marks to make on it. Then, she went to 4 classes today (she's taking 18 hours) where she received an A on one paper and took a poli sci exam. Which will probably be an A as well. Darn superhuman. As I stare at her dropping eyelids across the library table, I can't help but feel sorry for her yet not at the same time. I guess I could say it's her fault for taking up so many activities at once, but you can't blame someone for wanting to be involved. She's definitely not complaining and is extremely happy, despite the dark circles under her eyes that are slowly spreading to her cheekbones. Never before have I been so excited for a break. Easter weekend will be a refreshing pause before final exams. Did I mention Emily is also an AWESOME person. She is an admissions ambassador, and I'm pretty sure only awesome people get picked to do the tours. If you are incapable of communicating properly, then the school probably doesn't want you as the face of the school for all of the potential candidates. Speaking of potential candidates, two friends in high school are coming to visit thursday aaaaand I don't know how to entertain them. First, nobody will be here because everyone is peacing out to go home and second, I just want to watch tv for 4 hours on thursday evening. I don't want to try to show how cool unc is to them. I want them to enjoy themselves, but I might have to just tell them it's a slow night and hope they accept that. I don't know what they expect anyways. Raging frat party? Happening franklin street? Late-night frisbee in the quad? Oh well. I'm sure dearest Emily will be sleeping on thursday night to recover from her super human week. So impressive.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I was going to write about how I wish I could invent or create something revolutionary. I feel so talentless at unc. Everyone is amazing at something, gifted in the arts or athletics. I feel pretty subpar here. But that's depressing so i'll blog about something else. :)

Mini-rant: STUPID POLLEN. I have never in my ENTIRE life gotten allergies before. I don't know what the deal is this spring, but I feel like flowers are spewing germs into my face. At least that's how my nose and throat seem to react. I even have HIVES. My hand is covered in embarrassing swollen red blotches thanks to lovely mother nature. I looove being outside but this season I've been more inclined to lock myself in my room to shut out the invading pollen. I left my bike outside for roughly an hour and when I returned it was coated in a light green covering. I think this is how war of the worlds begins....

Positive-rant: UNC ROX! But really, despite my inability to breathe from my nose hasn't prevented me from appreciating the beauty of spring at chapel hill. I love walking through polk place and seeing every type of person posted up on the green, just enjoying the sun. I have a feeling studying for finals is going to be one big struggle. Part of me wishes the temperature would drop and the sun would get trapped behind a giant cloud for all of finals week. Less enticing to go outside. If anyone wants to join me in a picnic/bike ride next weekend I'm available for takers. Another reason unc rox is all of the people. I personally believe unc is incredibly diverse. Just sitting in the pit for 10 minutes I get to see every type of person. Tall, short, blonde, african american, straight. Love it!

Sorry for being in a really good mood...I don't usually eject such positivity. It is friday after all. You can't argue with the appreciation for friday. That reminds me, according to my shopping cart I won't be taking any friday classes next semester! woooo. Having a 4 day week is a miracle to me. I have heard stories of some people with just tuesday thursday classes too. A 2 day week!??! mindblowing. Unfortunately, I do have an 8 am. I've never had one before and I'm going to admit I am NOT looking forward to it. However, it's the ONLY time busi 101 is offered, I'll have to suck it up I suppose.