Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Break...what else?

Obviously spring break is coming up and I almost can't contain myself. The thought of having well no thoughts is incredibly exciting. I can literally stare at a wall for hours thinking of nothing, doing nothing, and feel completely unashamed. There won't be any tests, papers, or other various college issues to deal with. Fortunately, I won't do that. But the fact that I have that option is great. Since you are all clearly extremely interested in how I'll be passing these lovely ten days of glory, I'll tell you. First, this afternoon, at roughly 4:15 I'll be shuttled to the pisgah national forest in the north carolina mountains to embark on a staff backpacking trip. I'm looking forward to being completely cut off from society, no phone, no facebook, none of that nonsense. It's only for four days however, I return monday evening only to drive to my hometown, Charlotte. Queen city :) My stay will be short lived as I head to Flo Rida the following tuesday morning. Then it's rest and relaxation to my hearts content. There are always classic beach activities I enjoy doing with the family. We always put up a puzzle to entertain ourselves when the sun gets too overwhelming and we need an excuse to be indoors. Fishing with this massive net, even though I don't enjoy seafood it's still fun to fish! Ah the childhood memories.

Speaking of childhood memories, I know everyone has those random sentimental smells or games that bring them straight back to the glory days. My childhood can be summed up in a few words. Candyland and The Fox and the Hound. Favorite board game and favorite movie. At least when I was little. Apparently I watched the fox and the hound 8 times in one day. My movie addiction started early. Some things never change, I can watch the same movie over and over again like it's my job. I watched Slumdog Millionaire every night for a week and Shakespeare in Love I could literally watch on repeat continuously. There are some movies that just never get old for me. I'm a sucker, I gotta say. Amongst my other favorite movies are 127 hours and the diving bell and the butterfly. Haven't seen those quite as many times, but I would never turn down an opportunity to watch them. I'm afraid this blog has been pretty self-centered. Sorry for chatting about myself and only myself. I'll be more engaging next time.

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